Our Know Your Lemons Breast Cancer Awareness campaign has now educated 1 billion people through online media. To celebrate, we've designed a bold new look for 2020 that's available for you to educate with health equity issues in mind.
The 12 Symptoms of Breast Cancer showing 12 lemons in an egg carton describing what to look and feel like when it comes to breast changes, has been seen now by 1 billion people worldwide on social media and news media. In just 3 years, we have grown to become the most popular breast cancer awareness campaign in history, and now you can use our powerful education materials to educate a diverse population.
Launching on June 1, 2020, you can view the collection and order materials in a number of languages, sizes, and formats. Our goal is to help you educate those you serve, no matter their age, gender, or literacy. And because we don't show breasts as part of our work, it can be displayed in public and taught in schools without risk of censorship or taboo.
As we design our materials, we also have been researching their impact. Here are the highlights of how the Know Your Lemons materials help with early detection for breast cancer, and preliminary results showing that it may lead to a reduction in Stage IV diagnosis:
- 96% felt more confident in recognizing a sign of breast cancer*
- 98% say they will go to a doctor if they see a possible symptom*
- 92% would share the symptoms image with family/friends*
70% accurate tactile knowledge of a cancerous lump (compared to baseline 27%).*
- 93.8% of respondents discovered their cancer at Stage III or earlier, compared to 89.9% of respondents who had not seen the intervention (t = 2.1559, df = 772.19, p-value = 0.0314).**
KYL Preliminary Studies: *2018 Nigeria (n=1061) and **2019 Netherlands (n=1407)
It is our hope that organizations around the world will adopt our unique and effective approach to patient education, and together make an impact to reduce deaths from breast cancer worldwide.
To become a certified educator with us, please go to knowyourlemons.com/lemonista to register your interest. Click below to see a beautiful map of our educators and educational distribution: